Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Credit Repair And Payday Loan Criticism

Credit repair can be a daunting task and a poor credit score can prevent people from getting low interest loans and credit cards. People with poor credit often are forced to take high interest loans which can push them into a circle of debt. In extreme cases people are forced into debt settlement services or file for bankruptcy. Credit repair services offer people a chance to improve their credit scores over time. The thing to remember is that once a credit score is restored individuals have to change their spending habit and be responsible for credit that is extended to them.

Pay day loans have come under increasing criticism as they have led to problems for a lot of people who misunderstood the terms to agreement and ended getting bills which were much more than they had initially signed up for. In today’s environment missing a credit card payment or exceeding their credit limit can result in a negative mark on one’s credit report. This kind of delay initially did not attract much more than a letter from the bank. However now it can cause a person not to get a loan at the best interest rate. Credit card companies have come out with a line of products called credit repair credit card which can help people to improve their credit score. The limit on these credit cards is fairly low and the interest high, however through responsible use of this card individuals can improve their credit score. It is important to understand that getting a credit repair card does not automatically improve a person’s credit score. But by not spending over the credit limit and paying the bills on time a person’s credit score improves over time. Such cards should be used sparingly and for amounts that can be repaid quickly.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Payday Loan Firm Wonga Attracts Unwanted Attention

A payday loan company in the UK by the name of Wonga, recently got into a lot of "ethical" trouble for marketing payday loans to students who are in student debt. (alternate source: here) This is completely uncalled for and this only signifies just how greedy and a lot of people and companies can get when it comes to their business. Seriously, how can a company sleep denied when they are actively marketing these types of loans to students who are doing nothing more than trying to go to school and get a better life and job, yet they have companies like Wonga, who are nothing more than a loan shark, breathing down their neck trying to give them a 4624% APR payday loan?
Yes, you read that right. 4624% APR. This is the most insane annual percentage rate that we have ever seen and we cannot fathom how many people actually get caught up in this vicious cycle of payday loans. Many people often times get in situations where they are unable to keep up with the payments. The reason is because the interest rate is so high, that the borrower never gets a chance to put any of their money on the principle, because it all goes towards interest.
Shame on you Wonga for going after hard-working student's!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Where To Get 0% APR Credit Cards

Is It Possible To Get 0% APR Credit Cards?

Welcome to The Finance Wizard.  This blog will strive to provide you with up to date financial information that hopefully will help you when you need it most.  Today, we are going to talk about 0% APR credit cards.  In case you didn;t know, there really is no such thing as a  0% APR credit card..  However, what it truly is or does is give you 0% for a balance transfer. Watch out for loan sharks

So now, you may be asking yourself, "What the heck is the difference between a balance transfer and a regular 0% APR credit card?"

The Difference Between a 0% APR Credit Card and a Balance Transfer

Well the first thing you will notice is that you will get an introductory rate
with a balance transfer card.  For a brief period of time, this basically means
that you will get 0% and this usually varies between 6-12 months.  Each and
every single bank is going to be different so its a good idea to shop around.

Now, the APR on your credit card is the interest which you'll pay when you are
unable to pay your balance off completely.  As an example, lets pretend that
your APR is 17% and you have a $1500 balance.  Ok, now you pay $750 right?  Your
interest will now be applied to the balance of that for the year and it is
distributed monthly.  So do you see how you are really not paying 17% monthly?

Where is it Possible To Find A 0% Card?

It's usually very easy to find these types of cards - just about every major
credit card company has them available.  It's possible that you can get this
type of offer through your current card, but don't hold your breath - it may
not work depending on who you currently have your credit card with.  There
are many, many selections to choose from, so take your time and shop around. Stay away from loan sharks online.

The main credit card companies to check out would be Discover, Citibank, and
Chase Bank.  You can usually find what you need through these three.  If the company offers rewards, then it's highly likely that they offer some type of
0% APR credit cards.